<i>The Halloween Dance</i> by Eve Morton

The Halloween Dance by Eve Morton

<i>The Halloween Dance</i> by Eve Morton

OUT NOW! The Halloween Dance by Eve Morton

Jesse Potter still hates Halloween. But he loves his boyfriend Patrick, and plans to spend the last week of April inside Patrick’s large house getting acquainted after months apart. But Patrick’s sister Kayla is staying with him, and she’s nine months pregnant, and so the house may as well be haunted.

Then the corn dolls start to appear everywhere. Kayla claims there are demons in her bed. And Jesse becomes haunted by two fairy creatures who won’t leave him alone.

When a time-slip six months into the future gives Patrick and Jesse a chance to heal everyone they’ve come across, will they take it? Or will they distrust the fae who say they are here to help, simply because it’s now — once again — Halloween night?


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