<i>History Repeats Itself</i> by Eve Morton

History Repeats Itself by Eve Morton

<i>History Repeats Itself</i> by Eve Morton

OUT NOW! History Repeats Itself by Eve Morton

When Cornelius “Neely” Norton first arrives on the red planet Rojo, he doesn’t want to stay long. Just to complete an errand undetected by his politician father and his ex, and then he can go back to his normal life. As if normal ever had anything to offer the trans Neely with a very public life back on earth.

When Jude, a tall and handsome bartender, tries really hard to be his friend on that first night, Neely finds his passions changing. In between rounds of drinks, trivia, and a trip to the tourist traps on Rojo, Jude becomes something more than a friend. When trouble arrives — as it always does — Jude is forced between Neely and a decision that could have life-long consequences.

Will Neely complete what he intended to do and forget everything he’s learned? Or can he and Jude work out a new way of life on the red planet’s surface?


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