Touchdown by Terry O’Reilly

Touchdown by Terry O’Reilly is now available!

Darrin Houghton, Broadway dancer, and Brad Grabosky, NFL football player, are engaged. However, Brad is reluctant to announce a date for the wedding. His excuse — he doesn’t want to be the poster child for gay rights in the NFL. Darrin is getting discouraged, wondering if he and Brad are ever going to actually hear wedding bells.

Darrin and the cast of his current musical are to perform on a float in the NYC pride parade. He asks Brad if he plans on coming to the parade. Brad says he’s sorry, but he has an important team meeting to attend.

Downhearted, Darrin heads to the parade alone. Just as he’s about to get up on the float, a commotion breaks out. Darrin turns; what he sees takes his breath away.

Note: This short story was originally published in the charity collection, Love Is Proud.


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