Tag Archives: Nonbinary

The Merchant Witch by K.L. Noone

OUT NOW! The Merchant Witch by K.L. Noone

Sometimes heroic swordsmen need money. So Aric and his half-fairy partner Emrys have accepted a job protecting a wealthy cloth merchant’s caravan. But the job’s more complicated than it seems.

Em’s fairy father is hunting them, and Em’s trying not to draw attention by using magic. Their client, Lady Caris, has demanded that Em stay in a simple single-gendered human form and not shapeshift — and Aric can see his partner growing more uncomfortable day by day.

On top of that, their client’s hiding a magical secret … and a dangerous enemy.


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In the Pass of Ghosts by K.L. Noone

OUT NOW! In the Pass of Ghosts by K.L. Noone

Ghosts are real. And now they’re Aric’s problem.

Even legendary swordsmen need time off, and Aric and his half-fairy partner Emrys are traveling south to visit Aric’s brother. But, on a stormy night at a roadside inn, an old friend stumbles in nearly frozen, swearing that the mountain pass is haunted … and deadly.

With travelers and friends in danger, Aric and Em will try to solve the mystery of the murderous hauntings, but that won’t be simple. Swords aren’t much use against specters. Any use of Em’s magic will draw attention from a powerful fairy king. And this quest is making Aric think about his past, his future, and settling down in one spot with Em, someday … if Emrys wants that future, too.


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Home by Leigh M. Lorien

OUT NOW! Home by Leigh M. Lorien

The Interplanetary Guild of Human Affairs sends out dozens of delegations to planets all around the galaxy. Four of the Guild’s employees — Star, Nate, Fara, and Josh — grew close on one such delegation, and over the course of five years on assignment, developed a comfortable, happy relationship.

When the assignment ends, the group returns to the new human homeworld, Reyhan, where they receive new orders. For the first time in years, they are going to be separated. Between the far-flung locations and length of assignments, there is no way to know when they’ll be together again.

But Star is not one to simply take what the world throws at them. As a respected bodyguard and security officer, Star’s existence revolves around protecting precious things. Nothing in the galaxy is more precious than their partners’ happiness. With countless variables to consider and dozens of ways it could all fall apart, will it be possible for the group to stay together?


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